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What is e-Bomb? How it works?

Cracking computer tricks is really an interesting part of learning. If you are not familiar with the term “e-bomb” then this article must help you to learn about these interesting tricks of DOS Batch commands.
What is e-Bombing ??and how it works??The concept of “e-bomb” is very simple, it is some kind of program that opens a ton of windows and makes the victim computer crash.
 e-bombing is a type of hacking technique it is generally used by the computer users to make fun with friends by crashing their computers or it is also used to make simple viruses(just for learning purpose).
!!!try the commands below at your own risk.!!!
!!!The trick is posted only for educational purpose !!!
To make a simple e-bomb open your notepad and write the DOS commands written below:(commands courtesy:one of my friend)


@echo off

Start notepad

Start notepad

Start notepad

Start notepad

Start notepad

Start iexplore.exe http://www.techBU.com


Save the file with .bat extension. The commands written above help you to open the notepad 5 times on victim’s computer.

How e-bomb works?

An e-bomb contains a number of DOS commands executed by the command interpreter. The notepad serves as a simple text editor and .bat extension changes the file into batch file. In the code written above @echo off is the main command which triggers the e-bomb, and start notepad command tells the computer to open notepad.
Alternative to Notepad: Simply open your command prompt (cmd) and write the commands as discussed above.
Let’s take “e-bomb” Trick to the next level:

As written above now the question is how it helps in making of simple viruses the answer is very simple by adding a loop in the commands which opens infinite number of notepads or whatever application you want. Copy scripts written below in notepad and save file with ‘.bat’ extension.

The commands for adding loop in the e-bomb:


@echo off


Start notepad

goto loop


Here are the commands to shut down the computer:


@echo off

color 3

title Conditional Shutdown

set /p name=enter a name:



echo Hi, %name%


echo 1.Shutdown

echo 2.Quit


set /p choice=enter your choice 1,2:

if %choice%==1 goto shutdown

if %choice%==2 exit

echo invalid choice: %choice%

goto invalid_choice



set /p sec=enter the number of seconds that you wish the computer to shutdown in:

set /p message=enter the shutdown message you wish to display:

shutdown.exe -s -f -t %sec% -c "%message%"

echo shutdown initiated at %time%

set /p cancel=type cancel to stop shutdown

if %cancel%==cancel shutdown.exe -a

if %cancel%==cancel goto start


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